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Christmas Seafood & Meat Simplified

Why spend hours battling the pre-Christmas queues, when you can have fresh, high-quality seafood and meat delivered directly to your front door?

The end of the year is already busy enough without the dreaded trip to the fish shop or butcher.

To save you the hassle, Minifarms lets you order all your Christmas seafood and meat directly to your door or your Pod – without compromising on quality.

Plus, we’ve refreshed our offerings since last year, so you can indulge in a wider range of fresh produce!

Our seafood supplier, Manettas Seafood Market, has exclusive access to the best seafood purveyors at the world-famous Sydney Fish Markets.

The morning it arrives at the markets, it’s collected by Manettas and delivered to your doorstep the very same day.

To ensure freshness during delivery, all orders are packed on ice and delivered in your allocated two-hour time frame to ensure you’re home to receive it.

It’s as fresh and convenient as it gets!

It’s also the only guaranteed way to secure the produce you want, as Minifarms has an allotted supply at fixed prices.

This means that, when supplies get thin closer to Christmas Day, and the prices begin to rise, you’re safe from the last-minute scramble for expensive seafood.

Choose from whole fish or fillets, prawns, oysters, octopus, calamari, lobsters,

mussels, and much more.

The same goes for ordering your meat this festive season. When the butcher shop is clogged with turkey and ham orders, jump onto the Minifarms app and place your meat order through us!

It’s also a convenient way to stock-up on all your summer barbecue essentials.

You’re guaranteed the same, high-quality, local meat you already know and love, from our fantastic suppliers such as Springhill Farm and David’s Larder –now just made easier than ever, and at a time where it matters most.

With an opportunity this good, ordering your seafood and meat through Minifarms is a no brainer this Christmas!


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